Von is one of my personal characters that I use in a Dunggeosn and Dragons adventure (diffrent to the Ironfist Institiute, but same Game Master)
Von is a Bugbear Grave Cleric and is a follower of Kelemvor, one of the made gods of death within this universe.
He is a gentle giant with a nack for the strange. He often will collects plants, parts and goo that is found or left behind from creatures and monsters they find on their adventures. he is a bit of a cleptomaniac, especially for anything that can be smoshed in a vile.
The mask is a “Helm of water breating” which I redisnged from being a regular helmet or a giant diving dome to more of a mask with a moray eel design as I thought it would fit better and look more aesteticly pleasing.
This is Von`s Scythe. Which in-game is currently just a smal sycle, but me and Martin, the game master, decided to make the design more of a Scythe.
The sythe is personaly designed and is a gift to Von from his god, Kelemvor. Kelemvors symbol is that of a skeleton hand holding a scale.
I wanted to incorpirate this in the design as the hand being the conection for the blade and handle, as well as having one side of the scale on the end.
The game itself is currently a fairly water and marsh theme place as well as Von taking on the water breating helm along with a scalemail armour that allows him to swim faster. This combined we decided to give the Scythe a waterlogged theme, complimented with barnicles.
the smal blue blades under the main blade symbolizes the ability the weapon has to give extra damage depending on how many souls are trapped in the weapon (symbolized by the stones on the top of the blade). It can hold upwards of 10 souls at a time and can require souls by getting the last killing swipe with the weapon on a humanoid enemy. Dubble souls if that humanoid is aqautic based.